Las Reliquias de Tolti Aph

An interactive fiction by Graham Nelson (2005) - the Inform 7 source text

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Section E(o) - La variante del juego Solitario

[El juego del Solitario fue inventado como una conveniencia para el testeo: si, en el primer turno, uno escribe "solitario", el resto de ROTA no existe y se juega al Laberinto como un juego autocontenido. He dejado esto en el juego final a modo de "huevo de pascua".]

The solitaire game count is a number that varies.

Preparing to maze is an action out of world applying to nothing. Understand "solitario" as preparing to maze. Check preparing to maze: if the turn count is not 1, say "Solo se permite jugar directamente en el Laberinto apenas inicia el juego." instead. Carry out preparing to maze: change the solitaire game count to 1; change the level of the player to 3; change the permanent strength of the player to 16; restore the health of the player; now the player knows misil mágico; now the player knows hacer santuario; now the player knows remendar; move the vieja pipa de tabaco to the player; now the player carries the flecha; now the player knows telaraña; now the player knows escudo aéreo; move player to the Arco de Seto.

Before going west from the Arco de Seto when the solitaire game count is not 0:
    end the game saying "Has abandonado el Laberinto de las Bestias Reales" instead.